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see ya soon!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
WFW - Transformation

My heart is fixed on the Lord and my focus is on Transformation both, spiritually and in the natural, so this picture really blessed me. I hope it does the same for you!

Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." ~Romans 12: 1-2 (The Message Bible)
For more Word-filled Wednesday inspiration, stop by here
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Happy Faces... Happy Hearts
Last week, I had a few vacation hours that needed to be used... soooo I headed down to Atlanta to see some of my favorite people. My Sis, my bun-in-the-oven neice... affectionately called "Baby Bump" and this little face right here, my nephew Tayo!
Always the comedian, I had to share this pic which was pretty much the state of our faces the entire time. Smiles, smiles and more smiles!
Leaving lots of details out... for time's sake, I will suffice to say that after such a great weekend we all were left with happy faces and happy hearts!
I am so grateful... for the precious time we were given.
Dear Daddy,
For being YOU... and for being able to cheer away the chill of Winter in both the natural and within my heart. The Love of family and the joy of children so filled with Light, Life and incredible imagination has a way of bringing sunshine that fills us up so beautifully!
Renewal happened...and I feel the anticipation of Spring. Newness!
I welcome all that is in store, knowing you have reviewed it all and smiled upon it.
My heart is happy, because of Your plan and your provision.
Bless my precious family. May they remain joyful throughout the week, even as I will. May we always remember to smile up at You, as You smile upon us.
Lord, let the Light of Your face shine on us.
You are radiantly lovely and we long for You...
In Jesus' Name.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Blessings and Brokeness - Day 2
Today was eventful.
It felt like Christmas as an amazing friend honored me with some much needed resources... just in the knick of time. They just kept coming...and I was overwhelmed with gratitude!
It felt like heartbreak, as I grieved with other friends who lost their jobs today.
A little sweetness... and alot of bitter.
Jesus, I wonder if your journey was like that while you walked the Earth.
How I long to have a peek at one of your really good days... you know, where you laughed and maybe played a bit. I'm sure I'd be touched to see a time when the loving-kindness of one of your friends caused your heart to feel such bliss.
I know so much more about your painful times... of being mocked, scorned, judged, accused and even worse.
How often did you smile? Was your laughter like a giggle or a roar. Wow, Jesus... did you snort???
I like thinking about You... imagining You.
Focusing on You.
It really helped today... because I saw you in the beautiful moments... and I clung to you in the Brokeness.
Thanks for being YOU.
It felt like Christmas as an amazing friend honored me with some much needed resources... just in the knick of time. They just kept coming...and I was overwhelmed with gratitude!
It felt like heartbreak, as I grieved with other friends who lost their jobs today.
A little sweetness... and alot of bitter.
Jesus, I wonder if your journey was like that while you walked the Earth.
How I long to have a peek at one of your really good days... you know, where you laughed and maybe played a bit. I'm sure I'd be touched to see a time when the loving-kindness of one of your friends caused your heart to feel such bliss.
I know so much more about your painful times... of being mocked, scorned, judged, accused and even worse.
How often did you smile? Was your laughter like a giggle or a roar. Wow, Jesus... did you snort???
I like thinking about You... imagining You.
Focusing on You.
It really helped today... because I saw you in the beautiful moments... and I clung to you in the Brokeness.
Thanks for being YOU.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday...

So, I didn't go to church anywhere and have ashes put on my forehead... but I think it's a pretty cool ritual. This t-shirt made me laugh.
In all my years, I can not say that I have actually seen anyone walking around with the ash marks still on their forehead. Weird? I wonder why not?
I'll put that on my list of things to consider next year. It might spur some good conversation, after all.
That reminds me of something I was thinking about during my prayer time this morning...
I was wondering if the way people broadcast what they are fasting took away from the depth of the season. What I came away with, is the fact that this ritual is a community effort... a communal practice. The people spoke openly about this in days long ago and I believe that it is a wonderful way to walk through rememberance together.
Once again, since I am new to Lent, I decided that just to be sure... I would keep my public proclamation of no coffee and no sugar, but I will also make a few private commitments as well.
Day 1 has proven to be interesting. My public confessions were well minded. I did not stray. However, my private ones were not as successful. I wouldn't say I failed miserably... but I did already unintentionally miss the mark.
I have no intention of chiding myself... only observing and learning. So to that, I say... I will be more mindful to ask the Holy Spirit's assistance in keeping my intentions in those areas.
Are you observing Lent this year? Have you always/ever?
If so, what does it mean to you?
I'd love to hear your thoughts...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sigh-Lent... here I go.

I am filled with several emotions tonight, as I set out on a new adventure. Although, this is not a new practice for many of my friends of other denominations.
It comes at the perfect time... and it comes at the hardest time.
It comes at the perfect time... and it comes at the hardest time.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which begins the observence of Lent. It is the beginning of a 40 day ritual, where believers prepare themselves through fasting, giving and repentence... to better remember the death, burial and resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ during the Holy Week of Easter.
This year, I feel compelled to participate.

I do not know much at all about what it means to do this... but I know that some time of denying myself, getting outside of my own need and turning my eyes toward Jesus is exactly the prescription for what ails me right now.

Over the next 40 days, I will be blogging ... as a way of making and keeping a public confession of commitment. I would be honored if you would share the journey in whatever way you feel inclined.

Over the next 40 days, I will be blogging ... as a way of making and keeping a public confession of commitment. I would be honored if you would share the journey in whatever way you feel inclined.
Looking forward to the journey...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Please stand clear of barricades!

Okay, perpetually?
Maybe you want to wear a warning sign to tell the people around you to be careful... this part of me aint so pretty and it's not quiet "finished" yet?
This airport sign kept staring at me while I waited the other morning.
I immediately identified with what the baggage claim area was going through. It was in transition... getting a makeover. You know, being improved! And someone put up some cardboard barricades to cover up the construction and keep not only the work area... but also, the people around it as safe as possible.
Geesh, isn't that like our lives? Our hearts?
I thought about how we try to find prettier ways to transport our baggage whereever we go... or to disguise that it's even there. We invite new people into our lives and get excited about the journey we are on with them. The ride is enjoyable, often times, until we head down to the baggage claim area and begin to collect our luggage.
This got me to thinking about a conversation with a new friend who challenged me about this very subject. One night, during a conversation...there I was, thinking I'm just the picture of openness, sharing and fun. I offered the pretty parts... which I would envision to be the cute little Prada suitcase and maybe my absolutely adorable matching toiletries bag. But he wanted to know what was behind my cardboard wall. He had the audacity (okay, okay..."interest") to inquire about my construction area. He pointed it out... and instead of being repelled by it, came closer and continued to inquire.
(Insert nervous fidgeting and chirping crickets while girl tried to think of some brilliant explaination).
Brilliance... never came.
So since you stopped and read this post... my not-easily-evaded friend, a staring airport sign and I (the fidgety girl) would like to know about your construction areas.
Can you relate? And if so, what does your sign say?
Pondering... as always,
life's journey,
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