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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Losing "Wait"

Hey Everyone...

It's been along time... AGAIN!!!

I have such high hopes and good intentions about posting on here EVERY, SINGLE DAY!

Then along comes life and grabs my attention and forces me to focus on something else... or to dwell on nothing at all.
Anyway, I digress.

I think this phrase says it best: I want to Lose the "Wait".
(tracye's translation - Enough said right now... I tell you more about this later :0)

Speaking of Wait... hehee

So I think today is a great day to clue you in on another area of my life that is under construction right now. My body!!!
Yes, there are some cool things happening physically with me.... and I welcome you to share in my venture down the scale.
I've created a website that's dedicated to my weight loss.... and I'll add a link for easy access.
Take a look... have a laugh, shed a tear... or if you find it fun... leave me a message in the guestbook. I tell you what... it's gonna be a long road... so I'll surely need your encouragement :0)


Check it out!

I plan to share much more on the website... but I have to warn you... I will be very frank about where I am. We're talking numbers and everything (and I'm not a little girl).
So if you're squeamish about weight...and the number on the scale.... you may not wanna peak... LOL.

I leave you with this tonight... its pretty late and I'm tired.
It's realllllly nice when you finally get a true revelation of just how free Christ has set you!
I mean... if someone had told me 5 years ago... that I would love myself this much... and be this open about my "personal" life and struggles... I would have walked away before they could finish their sentence...:0) But freedom is real!
Truth is freeing... and I will never be the same again!!!

I hope that you will share your journeys with me.... and let me know how I can encourage you with whatever battle you're facing!
We're all challenged by something... so there's no room for shame!
Be free, my friend... and know that you are worth more than you have ever imagined!!!

All my love,


It's been a hard day today... work was not pleasant and my emotions were very shaky.
Thank you for allowing me to run to you... in the middle of it all.
It's days like these that I truly know you are real.
It's feelings like this that make me appreciate being alive... even in the pain of sadness or diappointment.
I remember when I was numb and couldn't feel a thing.
It's so nice to be all thawed out....even though it leaves me vulnerable to hurt.
You are my warmth, Lord.
Thank you for holding me today... when other's tried to make me feel like an outsider... unworthy of the "favored" place.
I'm so glad that my value is not dependent on their opinions of me.

I trust You, Lord.
I need You, Daddy.
And I'm thankful that you have the final say... always :0)

You are my hero... thank you for rescuing me... even from myself!

And Daddy... bless my friend that's reading this. They are struggling through their own issues with worth and purpose. Cause them to know your great love like never before.
Remove the veil and allow them to see that you are their hero... and you've come to rescue them too!

Love you so much,