Today... my sweet baby nephew is 6 months old!!
Here's Tayo!

Where does the time go???
It's amazing to think that it was 6 months ago today... that this beautiful little one came along to change all of our lives in such a wonderful way. He is truly a precious gift to our family..
There is not a more special moment in the day, then when I receive a new bundle of photos from my sister. How proud she must be! I surely am :0)
And to think today... that our Father in heaven loves us in the same way? So deeply.. so proudly.. you know? So much greater than we could ever grasp.
He watches over us during our day... and as we slumber at night. He waits to hold us and He longs to enjoy us. What a magnificent Father.
Sweet Jesus... Thank you for this precious life that you've given us. Tayo is a joy and treasure from heaven. You are so loving and so kind to grant us the honor of holding him close on this journey. I pray that he will remain safe and always know that he is loved deeply!
Daddy, thank you for revealing so many "hands-on" lessons about your love for us... by allowing us to feel the way we do for him. You're amazing! And I stand in awe of your creation!!!
May today.. .be a happy, gurgly, playful and silly day for him.... filled with all that bring great delight to his little heart and causes his beautiful eyes to look in wonder the way he does :)

I love you Daddy... and I love you Tayo!!
Auntie Tracye