Driving in D.C.

At this time last year, I was living in the Washington D.C. area. Actually my residence was in Owings Mills, Maryland which was about 74 miles from the city. That 74 miles, my friend, was my daily drive to work! What a wonderful time (I must admit that there are shades of sarcasm and disgust here applied...haha).
Never in my life could I have ever imagined what those 2 months of driving an average of 160 miles per day would be like. For me, it was one of the most difficult challenges of my life.
Not only did each new day bring what seemed like miles and miles of endless road... it also brought thoughts and longings for my family and friends who were now all thousands of miles away (with the exception of two very special friends Renee Tassone and Tiffany Blunt), questions of whether the opportunity that brought me there would be the best one for me, concerns that the present provision would actually last and a deep sense of loss for the land that I love, Nashville.
There were so many things going through my head and heart at that time. So much that those highway miles became both a friend and foe.
It was on those long drives that my soul became exposed. There was no wrong or right way to feel when my heart needed healing and the miles seemed endless. I remember a time when it felt as though the Lord said...."Ahhhh, now I've finally got you all to myself". Many days tears streamed down my face... and at night, I was often too stunned to cry.
In retrospect, this stretch of my life's road was one of the most profound experiences that I will ever have. I wish I could say that I was happy there.
I wish I could say that I really miss it. Though there are moments from that season which I will cherish... and daily disciplines that I would like to be able to continue now that I am back home... I do not want to return to that lifestyle.
There, I was challenged.
There, I was provoked....
And there, I learned more about owning my life than ever before.
As Christians, we ARE on an Endless Journey. Sometimes the particular stretch of road we're on seems lonely and deserted. At other times, it's far too congested... and becomes gridlocked with no place to run from all of the pressure, responsibilites and needs.
Have you ever been in eight lanes of traffic going no where?
Now I can laugh, but at the time... all I could do is cry after the clock hit the 20 minute mark and my Ford had only "explored" a little over a mile of roadway.
That day, because of the rain, my normal hour and a half drive home turned into a three hour ordeal. It was then, that I had my introduction to what road rage is all about. Tears streaming down and cars everywhere you look... a sea of people, all stuck on the same journey... and then there's that one obnoxious person who decides that he wants to cross 6 lanes of traffic. It was then that I felt a sharp desire to violently react... to scream... honk wildly and possibly even gesture. Lord, help me!
Have you ever felt that way? Had road rage on this life's journey?
I have.
But just like that day in the car, I have to take a deep breath... call on the Lord for help.... sing a little louder and keep on going.
No matter what speedbumps, detours, rain or other obstacles present themselves.... we are on that Endless Journey... and with each new day, we learned another way to enjoy the ride.