Today is a wonderful day..... I awoke with joy after a very beautiful weekend... full of fun times.
I'll tell you all about that later on this evening.... but this morning.... I want to celebrate the most amazing woman I know. My Mom!!!
It's her birthday... and I am sooo thankful that this is the day that she was given to this world.... and that as her story was written....she was chosen for me... and I for her. Wow! What a wonderful God... to always provide for us... in just the way we need.
My mother is perfect... for me :0)
God in His divine wisdom knew had it all planned out... He knew every tear.... every moment of screaming laughter....
He knew each tragedy and every single breathless wonder that would take place in our lives.
During each of those times in my life.... My amazing mother was right by my side!
When no one else understands.... she is there.
When I want to dance.... she plays a song.
When I need a to cry.... she too cries.
There is nothing more precious than the times that she and I get lost in praising His name.
It's so sweet... the way she'll be talking about something that the Lord has done... how He loved on one of us.... or unexpectedly showed up in a situation.... and her strong voice will break with the flood of tears. When the melody of her lyrics are replaced with a quiet lifting of her hands and a stream flows down her cheek....
It is then that I understand why Daddy bottles each one of our tears.
She is beautiful.
She is Loves lavishly.
She is strong and sweet.
I am so thankful to know her.... to watch her grow even as I grow up.
To cherish the memories of childhood.... and now enjoy calling her my Friend.
I wish I could be there with her today.... to wrap my arms around her... and kiss her on the cheek 20-too-many times as I love to do... (laughing).
But it's okay.... because I know that there is Someone Who loves and adores her even more than I do.... and HE will celebrate her fabulously today! Unexpected blessings will overtake her today... and peace will drape over her ... as the finest garment.
Thank you Mommy... for simply being you! I love you so much!
Sweet Father,
I love you.
Even as the tears fill my eyes this morning... I am sooo thankful.
You truly make all things beautiful... and my life is no exception.
Today... I celebrate on my most precious gifts in this life... My mother!
Lord... she is so special... and I am so greatful that you chose her for me.
You could not have picked a more perfect woman.... she is fabulous in every way.
Thank you.
I stand in awe of your ways, Lord.
As this day progresses, Father... I pray that she will feel just as special as she is.
May you allow her to be celebrated well!
Wrap Your great Love around her.... and respond to her every prayer.
Bless her with Your finest blessings.... and most of all give her even more of You!
In the Name of Jesus....with a heart overjoyed...
Have a beautiful day,
Monday, February 27, 2006
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