So I realized today, as I thought about what I should share... that I have not blogged about my incredible time out of the country.
It's been almost two months ago now, since a group of friends and I decided to run for the border (well the Northern one anyway)!
Can I just say that I am so proud of us for not just talking about it... the way we so often do... but we actually planned it out and made it happen.
Soooo details, details, huh?
As you may or may not know, I am a part of a church body that is very into the "things of the Spirit"... or yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our services and every day life. Signs, Wonders, Miracles, healings and the like, are a part of our culture.
Within this movement in The Body, are people who live to go deeper into these things... my little group of friends included.
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, was the birthplace of the first major North American Revival known as the Toronto Blessing. You may have heard of the 2nd one a little more, which was called The Brownsville Revival, in Pensacola, Fl. Now, we are living in what is being tagged as the Third Wave. Down in Lakeland, FL... the Lord is using a man by the name of Todd Bentley to bring about the Florida_Outpouring!
Okay, so the Florida Outpouring is an entirely separate blog to come...
Back to Toronto!
We decided to go up for a conference called "Going Deeper, Going Higher"... where Patricia King, Randy Clark, Duncan Smith and John & Carol Arnott would be ministering. Also, we were so pleased that Alberto&Kimberly_Rivera, were leading worship.
Alberto was the Worship Pastor at our church for several years, and Kimberly led the congregation with the most gorgeous prophetic songs, that are sung over people! If you've never experienced their ministry, take some time to listen on their website... or on Myspace. You will be so blessed.

While we were at the Conference, I can not even begin to tell you how blown away I was with how this church poured out everything they had been given. Never, had I ever experienced people who seemed to be desperate to minister to others. They were so desperate to GIVE AWAY everything that had been imparted to them. With each message, with each revelation spoken, we were given the opportunity to receive impartation through laying on of hands. It was the cry of their hearts for each and every one of us to go back to our cities... our countries and give away everything we had been freely given.
For the first time in my life, I had a new paradigm about laboring in ministry.
I had been a part of mega-ministry... pouring out all that I had and giving away what I had, only to come away drained and sometimes feeling empty.
But as I watched these people lay hands on thousands of people and still shine with great joy and enthusiasm... I was changed.
When I returned, I realized that I had received a great impartation... I now was able to operate in ministry at a new place. As I gave away what I had... as I spoke words of edification, sung songs over people, prayed for the sick and imparted Holy Fire... it was as if each time I gave it away... it just MULTIPLIED!!!
I am still amazed, even 2 months later... that I seem to be infused with greater strength and even more zeal as I speak, sing and allow God to use my life. What a wonderful change!!!

Tulips are my favorite flower... and the message of to my heart that He spoke was "I see you, I love you and I long to bless you... Everything is going to be alright".
The Lord used tulips to speak this same message to me, some six years ago... when I arrived in Nashville... a 26 year old wide-eyed girl, just longing to be obedient to His leading.
When it hit me that I was actually in a foreign land, knowing no one and began to feel the fear of the unknown... I drove into my apartment complex and was overwhelmed with tulips! They were everywhere... and in my heart, the Lord reassured me... everything was going to be alright.
And He was so faithful then... and I believe He will be as I once again move into the unknown.
Finally... the most unexpected blessing that absolutely changed my life... was when we took the hour long trip from Toronto to Ontario. There we visited one of the places on my "do-before-i-die" list!!
I had no idea that I would have
one of the deep desires of my heart
fulfilled on this trip.
It was amazing to all of us, after having been in such powerful meetings all week long to have such an overwhelming end to this time together.
As we turned the corner from the highway, onto the main road where the Falls began... we saw two rainbows right above. I had never seen this before... not a double rainbow with the arches over one another... but two rainbows, side by side!!!
We were overtaken with awe.
To us, God spoke powerful... just as He did to Noah... using the rainbow as a sign of promise. We believe it was a sign of double portion... double promise!

God is outrageously the most captivating artist!!!
I pray tonight, that you are experiencing the manifestation of your heart's greatest desires.
One of the messages that the Lord gave me to share while I was in Toronto... was that there is now an end to "Hope Deferred"... and an entrance into "Desires fulfilled"!!!
I will share more about this, probably tomorrow because I feel it very strongly during this season... in my own life... and in The Body of Christ!!!
May you know that what you care about... is important. Your desires are not so random. They are a part of your purpose and the fabric of your spiritual DNA.
As the waters of Niagra resounding the message of God's love to me... I ask that He would bring a sign of His promise to you today... that will impact you in the same way and even more.
Blessings to you! Thanks for stopping by :0)