Donald Miller, the author of "Blue like Jazz", uses words in the most luxurious way. Yet, I think what draws me and so many others to his work, is that the finished work... although full of intricacies, is quite simple and easy to understand.

I happened upon a copy of "Through Painted Deserts" on Monday, and have been intrigued at the turn of each page. Put maybe a little too simplistically, this book is a memoir of Don's three-month road trip spent crossing country in a Volkswagen camping van. As the back cover teases, Don and his buddy Paul "dive headlong into the deepest of human questions and find answers outside words - answers that have to be experienced to be believed".
After beginning the 2nd chapter this morning, I invite you to find a copy yourself and dig in... as this work has already proven a worthy adventure.
Last night, I rehearsed with friends, as part of a new work that God is doing. It is amazing to be a part of this ministry. I will share more in blogs to come about what we're about. But what I want to say most today, is how stunned and blessed I was last night, as I watched the power of speaking the Truth IN LOVE overcome the silence's potential to breed confusion and hard feelings. Frustrations arose in many of us and the temptation was to internalize, judge and harbor negative feelings.
We could have left it all that way.
We could have remained unchanged.
What I experienced last night was a group of beautifully broken people... ready and willing to do life differently than before. We all shared openly of our personal struggles and gave one another glimpses into one another's brokeness. What a wondrous time we had, being willing to be visibly weak and watching the strength of God that arose in those moments.
I am so grateful to step out on the waters with these men and women of God... and be ministered to as we minister.
Thank you, friends.
What touched me the most from my reading in Don's book this morning, was the quote from a song by Robert Earl Keen Jr's song, "Road to No Return".
It resonated and echoed thoughts from last night and also reassured me that this journey we are on will not lead us back to the same places we have already been.
It is a new day. This is a new place in God that we are walking... and it is not for us to turn around. Yes, we may find that in taking steps forward on this path, we revisit some places we have once tread... but we can find comfort and joy in knowing it will not ever be as it was before. Praise the Lord!
But each new morning sunrise
Is just as good as gold
And all the hope inside you
Will keep you from the cold
Bare your soul and let your spirit burn
Out along the road to no return
I pray today, that we all would do just that. May we "BARE OUR SOULS AND LET OUR SPIRITS BURN"!!! What a wonderful time of healing and bonding you allowed last night. My heart is ever grateful.
May each reader of this words, find a place of strength in You today, that gives them the reassurance that they can be weak. I am absolutely there... and I never want to regain my own strength again.
Lord, I humbly lay myself bare today... wherever I go. Even on my job, oh Lord, let me be willing to ask for help. Let me open my mouth and speak of my needs... and feel the comfort of those who come to bring what they can offer. Help me not to squirm when arms are wrapped around me... or to struggle to stand, as a sweet hand is reached toward me. We so desperately need You... and your love that is poured out through your children. Help us, to receive it today.
And God, as we find that bare place... may our spirits BURN with a fire for You! May it burn brighter and hotter than ever before. There is nothing like knowing that we are truly loved.
And as we allow Truth to rise in us and around us... finding beauty in brokeness and hope in humility... may we know that place of extreme passion! No more lukewarmness God!! We cry out for even more! Holy Fire, come and purify... burn away everything unlike You and cause us to come as pure Gold!
We love and adore you!!
In Jesus' name... amen.