Okay, perpetually?
Maybe you want to wear a warning sign to tell the people around you to be careful... this part of me aint so pretty and it's not quiet "finished" yet?
This airport sign kept staring at me while I waited the other morning.
I immediately identified with what the baggage claim area was going through. It was in transition... getting a makeover. You know, being improved! And someone put up some cardboard barricades to cover up the construction and keep not only the work area... but also, the people around it as safe as possible.
Geesh, isn't that like our lives? Our hearts?
I thought about how we try to find prettier ways to transport our baggage whereever we go... or to disguise that it's even there. We invite new people into our lives and get excited about the journey we are on with them. The ride is enjoyable, often times, until we head down to the baggage claim area and begin to collect our luggage.
This got me to thinking about a conversation with a new friend who challenged me about this very subject. One night, during a conversation...there I was, thinking I'm just the picture of openness, sharing and fun. I offered the pretty parts... which I would envision to be the cute little Prada suitcase and maybe my absolutely adorable matching toiletries bag. But he wanted to know what was behind my cardboard wall. He had the audacity (okay, okay..."interest") to inquire about my construction area. He pointed it out... and instead of being repelled by it, came closer and continued to inquire.
(Insert nervous fidgeting and chirping crickets while girl tried to think of some brilliant explaination).
Brilliance... never came.
So since you stopped and read this post... my not-easily-evaded friend, a staring airport sign and I (the fidgety girl) would like to know about your construction areas.
Can you relate? And if so, what does your sign say?
Pondering... as always,