Here's my little Valentine!
Isn't he precious?!!
This is my sweet nephew.....Tayo is his name.... and he has captured my heart.
I hope that today is a joyful one for you!
This morning has started earlier than usual for me. My eyes popped open at about 130 am.... (okay so I went to bed extremely early too. Yes, it was only 745p.... but I was sleepy... and now it will definitely be a Starbucks morning)!!
Waking up early is one of my favorite things about this life. When everything is quiet, peaceful and still, I feel most right with the world. I don't know about you... but my thoughts are loud and my mind is noisy... so it's in the Quiet Hours of the morning... that my soul can stop shouting over the volume of distractions and responsibilites of each day.
Here.. I find true rest.
Here... I find real peace.
And most of all, Love.
As I was catching up on some emails this morning.... I came across a beautiful expression of this Love.... and it is the first of the many precious gifts that the Lord shall give to me this Valentine's Day. I want to give this gift to you.... praying that it will bless you too.
I hold it up to you with outstretched hands,
My heart parched and thirsty for your living water.
Fill my cup with your love, Lord.
Help me to feel your hands holding mine,
feel your arms around me, feel your love empowering me.
Fill me with quietness and encouragement and trust.
Help me to live for you when trials, difficulties,
and storms hit me and those I love so deeply.
Help me not to give up when giving up seems easier.
Help me to trust you when I don't feel like trusting anymore.
When I know pain, fill my cup with prayer.
Teach me the secrets of service and surrender.
Fill my cup, Lord. I lift it up to you.
Lift me up to do your will with love and sacrifice,
Never forgetting what you sacrificed for me-
Your Son.
My Messiah.
My Lord Jesus Christ.
Help me, Lord, to accept where I am now.
Help me to know I'm not stuck forever in my circumstances.
Help me remember that the windows do open
and that fresh breezes do blow in
and that living water forever flows
and that those who ask receive.
I'm asking, now, Lord.
I'm holding my cup in my hands,
And I'm asking you to fill it . . . with you.
. . . .
And when my cup springs a leak,
As earthen vessels are prone to do.
Then I'll just have to ask again,
Trusting in your love
To fill me again . . .
Happy Valentine's Day to you..... My prayer today is that you not be found empty.... but that you would know the depth of His Great Love for you! That above all the other voices... you would hear His the loudest.... gently asking you to "Come... and be mine"!
With an overflowing heart!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too, my sweet! Sorry I've not been in better touch! Love that cute baby! Talk to you later!
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