I'm happy to enjoy the scenery and the relaxation.
I'm a little sad that the roads are not safe for my drive to Atlanta to see my family.
So I thought I put a few pics up of my family..... since I was reminiscing anyway.
Here's one of my cutie-pie nephew. He's great friends with Elmo :0)

My Mom and Dad will be at my sisters house this weekend.... and I was suppose to join them... but we all thought it best not to make the drive :(
Here's the girls of our family... My mommy, sister Trina and me. This was taken during my nephew's naming ceremony. He was sooo little! My Mom made the little prince outfit he had on... wasn't he adorable!

So here's me and my little buddy back at Thanksgiving.... he was only a few weeks old then.

Putting all of these pics on here today... I realize that two people are missing from my collections.... My brother Shedrick (his precious family) and my Dad!!!
Well that will have to change!!!!
I love my family so much....
It is such a blessing to have them close enough to get together often.
My prayer today, is that you know how much you are loved.
Even though I'm a bit saddened by not being with them.... I am full of the Love that we have given one another in times past. I am reminded today, to cherish those moments always.
Maybe this little message could be encouragement or confirmation to you today.... to pick up the phone or write out a card for the ones you call family. Hold them close for as long as you have them. For tomorrow is not promised, right?
Dear Daddy,
Thank you so much for my family..... for the great joys and the deep sorrows that have filled our years together. Lord, I see you often, in the optimism of my father, the diligence and leadership of my sister, the passion and humor of my brother Hines, the analytical wisdom of my brother Shedrick, and the beautiful heart of my mother. What a contrast of characters you chose to blend into this family. Your ways are far higher than ours.... and I'm trusting that as they have blessed and enriched my life, I am doing the same for them.
Thank you for our health... our wealth... our love and most of all for our Faith.... for that is what led us to YOU.
May You know Lord, today... just how much Your family Loves you!!!
We bless and honor you and give you all the glory.
In Jesus' Name,
Have a relaxing and worry free weekend.... and for those of you here in Nashville, enjoy the snow!!!
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