Last night, I was absolutely blessed to experience brand new music from one of my favorite groups, Shane and Shane. A new friend and I spent the evening enjoying the 2nd night of their brand new "Pages" Tour, here in Nashville.
It was wonderful to say the least... and I was on the edge of my seat, hanging on to every word, every nuance of sound... every heavily aspirated H that Shane Barnard released... every resounding, powerhouse belt from Shane Everett. I am simply taken aback by their music... by the intensity of their passionate harmonies that seem to come from the tip of their toes and the bottom of their hearts.
You probably have those artists in your life that always seem to speak directly to you... well the Shane's are definitely on my top 5 list of "Revelators". I can always count on them to bring a fresh perspective to an old concept, or a brand new stream of thought that causes me to ponder for days, weeks and well even years...

I was pleasantly surprised to find a video of one of my favorite songs called "Holiday". Smiling.
Last night as I heard this song... it made me think of a sweet friend from my past... We would write back and forth to one another allll day long every day. One of the sweetest parts of our relationships was the constant love notes from a friend that we would exchange each day. They were so encouraging and inspiring.
I'll never forget the day that I wrote a little poem telling my sweet friend how fortunate I felt to have them in my life in this way.
My little words went something like this:
"You're like a vacation in the middle of my work day...
an oasis of joy in a desert of demands.
You're like flowers by surprise... and impromptu lunch plans...
my sweet friend... i love having you by my side... no matter where I am."
Gosh... the memories.
Well, this song reminded me of those thoughts... and that season of friendship.
It was a type and shadow of an even greater relationship.
I hope you find yourself feeling this way about Him too!
Bless you,
Sweet, sweet Jesus. I am just so overwhelmed by Who You are. You never cease to amaze me with Your love... and the way that you allow Your children to express what we're feeling about you.
Thank you so much for my brothers, Shane and Shane... and for the way they are so willing to put their love for you on display for all the world to see. You are so worth it!
Thank you for all of the revelations that I received last night in that concert... I could share for a week about the passion for you that was stirred... but tonight.... I just want to stop and think about how you have been my "Favorite Part Of Me" for so long... What a wonderful thing to think on. You truly ARE my Holiday! I love you sooooo much, Jesus.
You are the best friend I could ever have... and I'm absolutely smitten by You!
Tonight... I just wanna celebrate You.
in Jesus Name... amen.
Amen amen, and amen again!
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