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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bring on the rain!

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This picture so perfectly represents how I feel this morning.
We have rain... actually thunderstorms in our forecast today... and I am very excited about it. Here in Nashville, we desperately need rain... and here in my heart, I do too.

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I pray that today will be a day that we don't look at a downpour and worry about our hair, or the traffic flow interruptions. But, may we rejoice and be thankful that we are graciously given what is NEEDED!

In the natural... we can be thankful that the dry, thirsty ground and the precious trees are receiving the water it has longed for...
And in our hearts, Lord, will you come and bring a flood of living water, that refreshes and restores us back to a peaceful place in You!

We need your rain, Lord.
Even when we don't know why we feel the way we do... it's so simply You that we're desperate for...

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Come rain on us today. You are welcome. We love you...
In Jesus' Name. Amen!