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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sigh-Lent... here I go.

I am filled with several emotions tonight, as I set out on a new adventure. Although, this is not a new practice for many of my friends of other denominations.
It comes at the perfect time... and it comes at the hardest time.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which begins the observence of Lent. It is the beginning of a 40 day ritual, where believers prepare themselves through fasting, giving and repentence... to better remember the death, burial and resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ during the Holy Week of Easter.
This year, I feel compelled to participate.

I do not know much at all about what it means to do this... but I know that some time of denying myself, getting outside of my own need and turning my eyes toward Jesus is exactly the prescription for what ails me right now.

Over the next 40 days, I will be blogging ... as a way of making and keeping a public confession of commitment. I would be honored if you would share the journey in whatever way you feel inclined.
Looking forward to the journey...